News Flash - Workshop

CellDetect™ provides the latest and most modern range of cellular telephone prevention and detection equipment for correctional and custodial facilities and government departments.

Welcome to CellDetect™

CellDetect is a South African company specialising exclusively in providing technology and solutions to prevent and to detect cellular telephones in areas where they are not permitted or prohibited.

We supply the most advanced cellular telephone detection technology to businesses, the South African government, correctional facilities, educational establishments and law enforcement agencies.

Cellular telephones are not welcome everywhere. They can be a problem in meetings, courts, concert halls, schools, high-security facilities and other areas where access to information has to be restricted.

Modern cellular telephones are basically handheld computers. Smart cellular telephones can store data, access the Internet and take high-resolution photos, videos and can record audio.

The illicit use of cellular telephones in South African prisons have reached alarming proportions. Witnesses are being threatened, victims are intimidated, escapes are planned and business is conducted from within South African jails with cellular telephones.  We have designed a unique solution for correctional and custodial facilities regarding the control of contraband cellular and Wi-Fi-based communication devices.  The CellDetect Solution™ is based on four pillars, prevention, detection, localisation and neutralisation.

CellDetect™ is the only company in Southern Africa that specialises exclusively in providing a complete strategy and solutions to correctional and custodial facilities to counter the threat of cellular telephones and other communication devices in their facilities and areas where they are not allowed and prohibited.

One of the pillars of the CellDetect Solution™ is a preventative strategy. CellDetect has a full range of preventative products and equipment to aid and to assist correctional personnel to prevent devices from entering their facilities.

If a cellular telephone or other communication device has made its way into the facility then CellDetect™ has to most advanced equipment available to detect and to neutralise the devices. The devices can be neutralised remotely. (It is not even necessary to go and look for the cellular telephones inside the prison areas).

CellDetect Solution

Our CellDetect Solution™ brochure. Click here

Recently students at a Canadian school were strip-searched during an exam for cellular telephones.

CellDetect™ provides complete unobtrusive solutions to prevent cellular telephones from entering or leaving (illegally) a facility with dedicated cellular detection scanners (not metal detectors). We also provide the technology to assist with the detection of cellular telephones already in a facility with cellular band radio frequency (RF) scanners and Non-Linear Junction Detectors (NLJD’s).

We take time to understand our clients to determine exactly what they want and what they need. We are experts in our field because we specialise exclusively in the detection of cellular telephones and technical surveillance countermeasures services.

Click here to download our Brochure.

We have designed a new three-day workshop (the first of its kind in the World)  for correctional services and custodial personnel regarding the detection of cellular telephones in correctional facilities. The workshop Nuts & Bolts of Cell Phone Detection provides a strategic and tactical approach to cellular telephone detection. The workshop is practical and suitable for individual who has little or very little technical experience or knowledge regarding the operations and functioning of cellular telephones and networks.

Copyright (c) Cell Detect - Cellular Telephone Detection Services and TSCM 2022. All rights reserved.
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